Wi-Fi Calling – What Does Will It Mean For Your Business?
You’ll probably have seen the term ’Wi-Fi Calling’ cropping up in the press and online in recent weeks various mobile networks and phone providers prepare to launch their competing services.
What is Wi-Fi Calling?
Wi-Fi calling allows specific smartphones on certain networks to automatically route incoming and outgoing calls through a connected Wi-Fi network rather than the usual mobile ones.
Can Wi-Fi calling improve mobile reception?
Despite the coverage claims of all the mobile networks, blackspots and poor signal areas are still frustratingly common. If choppy connections, dropped signals, noisy lines and a lack of connection are affecting your productivity, Wi-Fi Calling could be a cost effective solution. The holy grail of Wi-Fi calling is the ability to seamlessly transfer calls between 3G/4G and Wifi and eliminate many of the current poor mobile recetpion problems.
Is WiFi Calling available in the UK yet?
The answer to this one is yes, and no! EE have recently launched their own Wi-Fi calling system and the Three and O2 say that they will be launching their own offerings shortly. However, the technology Is still pretty new and, at the time of writing this article, it has a number of annoying limitations.
What are the limitations of Wi-Fi calling?
For technical reasons, Wi-Fi calling is likely to be limited to the more expensive, technically advanced phones. Also the automated handoff of calls between Wi-Fi and mobile networks is limited at the moment. For example, EE say that calls initiated via Wi-Fi will be cut off if the Wi-Fi signal is lost, even if there is a good 3G signal available.
For business customers, there is one more significant limitation to the Wi-Fi calling offers from the mainstream carriers, namely a lack of integration with your business phone system. Thankfully, mobile and business telephone system manufacturer Samsung has developed an elegant easy to use solution called the We VoIP smartphone app.
Introducing the Samsung We VoIP Client
One way to access the many benefits of business call routing over Wi-Fi is the We VoIP pp from Samsung. This clever little app allows you to integrate your smartphone with your Samsung business phone system and get improved reception plus all access to a range of powerful business telephony features.
Essential features such as call forwarding, call recording and conference calling are instantly accessible at the push of a button via the We VoIP app. To find out more about the many benefits of the Samsung We VoIp client, contact Southampton based Meridian IP Communications today on 0845 313 0987