Tagus House, 9 Ocean Way, Southampton, SO14 3TJ
0300 373 0747

Marketing on Hold

First Impressions

A welcome message greets everyone who gives you a call, with a warm, professional and welcoming introduction.

Information for clients

Information on Hold can help educate your clients and drive sales.

Influence your clients

20% of callers make a purchase based on information they have heard.

On Hold Marketing
to Provide A Professsional First Impression

On-hold marketing includes the greeting and presentation messages you hear when calling an organisation, it also includes music on-hold and promotional messages. On-hold marketing is a great way optimise the time your customers spend on-hold.


According to findings by world renowned researchers such as TNS Global and ICM have found that:


“more than 68% of customers spend more than 1 minute on hold and that 73% of callers want to listen to something more than just silence or a regular beeping sound”


With that in mind, why not make the most of Tetra’s On-Hold Marketing service – and if you’re new to Tetra it’s included for free.

Introducing AI Info On Hold: 

The Future of On-Hold Marketing

At Tetra Networks, we understand the critical role that on-hold messages play in your business communications. That’s why we are excited to introduce our innovative AI Info On Hold system, a groundbreaking solution designed to enhance and simplify your on-hold marketing efforts.


This system allows you to get access to professional on hold messaging, at the click of a button and at a fraction of the price of traditional on-hold messaging. It’s a powerful solution that can keep clients updated, increase sales and give your business a highly professional appearance.

Key Benefits:

Utilise AI to generate and update messages quickly, dramatically reducing turnaround times and costs.

Choose from over 400 voice actors and a variety of music backgrounds to match your brand’s tone.

AI drafts your initial message, which you can customise to fit your specific needs.

Easily update your messages for seasonal promotions or changes in business strategy.

Ensure a professional caller experience with high-quality, engaging on-hold content.

Sign up for your free demo today!

Helping companies improve their business communications

Feature-rich and flexible ICommunications throughout the UK


Tetra can help survey, design and deploy the right WiFi solution for your business environment

Lines and Calls

Flexible, Resilient and high-quality communications systems, plus excellent reduced call tariffs.

SIP Trunks

Offering companies more flexibility and lower call cost opportunities with SIP lines.

VoIP Image Small


VoIP is the future of telecommunications. Save costs and communicate from anywhere.

Telephone Line Install

Great value, fast and effective telephone line installations from Tetra Networks.

Business Mobility

Thanks to Unified Communications and Collaboration tools, your employess can save up 25% of their time spent on daily communication tasks