Thanks to Unifiied Communications and Collaboration tools, your employees can save up to 25% of their time spent on daily communications tasks.
Collaboration is a web based tool for business communication that enables teams to work together in one place: chat, audio calls, video calls, video conferencing and much more
Security built within
Users can access the system from any device connected to the internet via the browser, whether they’re in the office, at home or on the go. All of that plus complete security.
Understanding Your Business Mobility Communication Needs.
Mobile extension integrates mobile phones of employees into the corporate telephone system. Today this feature is fundamental, and it is no longer an option, it became a commodity.
Wildix Mobility service can be easily enabled and customized in several seconds and it offers the following features:
Mobile phone and office phone ring simultaneously.
Mobile phone rings several seconds after the office phone.
Mobile phone rings in particular time slots.
All devices registered to your account ring simultaneously or one after another